Saturday, April 25, 2009

Socerous love..

No one wants to experience death, because no one knows what's beyond it, but there might be something better than life, might be that the light glows brighter, the words sound sweeter, and the touch feels warmer that one who dies doesn't return back to life; might be that there is an open door back to life but, no one wants to return back or might be that one in one billion returns back if his/her soul experiences a strong force pulling backward to life.

The following prose has nothing to do with the reality, it is a mere child of fantasy and I request the reader not to compare this work with the experiences of real world.


Alicia was lying flat on her ivory framed bed. Peachy skin, cherry lips and her lush flesh were still as fresh as freshness itself. Adam stood tall in her room; shocked by the mishap. Out of bewilderment, he proceeded closer to the virgin corpse. He was baffled by the divine beauty of Alicia. "Queen of fairyland, she is" he supposed. Beauty had cast its evil spell on Adam and slowly his eyes turned necrophile and the feeling of distress was all of a sudden washed away by a strong desire for love.

Wrapped in silk, she was lying quiet on the bed;

Carrying the bloom of youth, here she lay dead.
The fabric resting on her curves, tried hard to conceal,
But the stiffening of the edges did forcedly reveal.

The room was bewitched with the soul of Alicia. She died before the death came to take her, and when a person dies with one's desires left incomplete, the soul wanders until it attains tranquility. Adam fought hard with the evil spirit, en kindled by the celestial beauty of Alicia, but in the end, the evil won the battle.

The enchanted air blew the silk beneath, exposing the unused lane.

Daemon's spirit captivated Adam, he grew completely profane.
The calm air grew wild and violent, as the soft skin kissed the rough.
Her soul felt the honeyed pain while he rolled up and down the lush dough.

The soul of Alicia was completely submerged in the ocean of red. She wanted to experience the power and intensity of the sting of love forever and she regrets herself for her early forced death. Alicia falls in love with Adam, and decides to return back into her muted body.

The eternal love of Adam en kindled fire in her soul,

And his toxic stings evoked life in her bowel.
Oh you mighty love, you ageless and everlasting one.
You kill some and enliven some with your socerous potion.


  1. very imaginative

    nice piece of fiction

    I liked the child's take on death.....that time after death is better than life

    the description and intensifeid t=romance between alicia and adam was very sensuous

    love has the power to heal and bring people back from death...i hope she realsied that life with love is better than death

  2. the description of love between adam and alicia was very sensuous
    i hope she reailsed that lif eon earth is better with love than fantasy after death

    love has the power to being people back from death
