Sunday, May 17, 2009

Nature's ditty..

Oh Miss rose plant, don't be so angry.
Move your thorns away from the roses.
How sweet do they look, the red roses.
And so if they want to look good, let them be.

Oh Miss mourning dove, you emblem of peace.
Why are you so pale, haven't you got any mail?
Spread your wings, take on the wind; you're beautiful.
And so if you want to check my words, go peep in the sea.

Oh Miss looper, you tiny slimy looper.
Get out of your cocoon, you call it your classroom!!
Break the walls, spread your wings and pop out of the doom.
Reborn as a butterfly, come swinging in my arms.
And so if you want to learn, come fly with me.

For I'm here all around you, then why you trouble
go into the dark.
Far away from me, to learn about me 
on a black bark.
No, I don't have a stick to hurt you; 
no mob to laugh at you.
But pretty flowers to pass a fragrance of relief,
Cool wind to pass a feeling of joy, and my hand for you
Always to make you stand up once again after 
your fell below your mark.

Look at the sky above you; 
the studded stars in dark blue.
The moon with the blots or the blots with a halo. 
See the trees laden with fruits, the fruits hung down
seduced by the gravity to come down. 
But the tree holds them tight, 
protects them for they know not what befalls with greed.
Behold me, I'm real; feel me, I'm true.
Behold the sun, if you can do. We all are here to enlighten you.
And what else does one need to learn,
than to learn from what one sees and feels.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Wish you were here!!

I lay down at night on my terrace;
Staring atop, admiring god's unparalleled grace.
Relishing the wind's ticklish caress.
Interrupted by the artificial light's trace.

No, I don't question the sky,
No, I don't desire to fly.

No, I don't question the moon,
I'm happy, I'm blessed with her boon.

No, I don't question the stars,
No, I don't start any wars. 

I'd rather replace "wow!!" for "why??"
In this way, myself I satisfy.

Upon the food you've provided, I'd feed.
With the mate you've gifted, I'd breed.
That's it, and I'd stay away from all other greed.

I just lay down at night on my terrace;
Staring atop, admiring god's elegant face.
Relishing the wind's ticklish caress.
Interrupted by the artificial light's trace.
Wishing it were all true.
Oh mighty blue!!
Wish I were as natural as you.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Socerous love..

No one wants to experience death, because no one knows what's beyond it, but there might be something better than life, might be that the light glows brighter, the words sound sweeter, and the touch feels warmer that one who dies doesn't return back to life; might be that there is an open door back to life but, no one wants to return back or might be that one in one billion returns back if his/her soul experiences a strong force pulling backward to life.

The following prose has nothing to do with the reality, it is a mere child of fantasy and I request the reader not to compare this work with the experiences of real world.


Alicia was lying flat on her ivory framed bed. Peachy skin, cherry lips and her lush flesh were still as fresh as freshness itself. Adam stood tall in her room; shocked by the mishap. Out of bewilderment, he proceeded closer to the virgin corpse. He was baffled by the divine beauty of Alicia. "Queen of fairyland, she is" he supposed. Beauty had cast its evil spell on Adam and slowly his eyes turned necrophile and the feeling of distress was all of a sudden washed away by a strong desire for love.

Wrapped in silk, she was lying quiet on the bed;

Carrying the bloom of youth, here she lay dead.
The fabric resting on her curves, tried hard to conceal,
But the stiffening of the edges did forcedly reveal.

The room was bewitched with the soul of Alicia. She died before the death came to take her, and when a person dies with one's desires left incomplete, the soul wanders until it attains tranquility. Adam fought hard with the evil spirit, en kindled by the celestial beauty of Alicia, but in the end, the evil won the battle.

The enchanted air blew the silk beneath, exposing the unused lane.

Daemon's spirit captivated Adam, he grew completely profane.
The calm air grew wild and violent, as the soft skin kissed the rough.
Her soul felt the honeyed pain while he rolled up and down the lush dough.

The soul of Alicia was completely submerged in the ocean of red. She wanted to experience the power and intensity of the sting of love forever and she regrets herself for her early forced death. Alicia falls in love with Adam, and decides to return back into her muted body.

The eternal love of Adam en kindled fire in her soul,

And his toxic stings evoked life in her bowel.
Oh you mighty love, you ageless and everlasting one.
You kill some and enliven some with your socerous potion.

Friday, April 17, 2009

I dream of..

I dream of a girl,
I dream of an angel,
Of her golden curls,
Dancing with the wind.
Of her emerald eyes,
Inducing joy in the flowers. 
Of the golden spikes,
Caressing her waist while
Strolling in a cornfield.
Of her mellifluous smile,
Setting up the birds to chirping.
Of her angelic charm,
Casting a spell of excitement
On the oceans, on the skies 
And beyond.

I dream of..
I dream of..

I dream of you!! :)

I dream of a woman,
Of the child in her womb.
Of the manner she walks,
With both the hands on her paunch.
Of hearing the ear-soothing noise,
Of the kicks of my child.
Of the dimples on her cheeks,
With shrinking eyes and the tears
Of joy rolling down her cheeks,
When holding the baby in her hands.

I dream of..
I dream of..

I dream of you!! :)
I dream of an old lady.
Of the wrinkles on her face. 
Of her teeth-less smile.
Of her golden turned silver curls.
Of the shine in her eyes,
Carrying love for me.

Of the shine in her eyes,
Carrying love.. for me!!

I dream of..
I dream of..

I dream of you!! :)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Fill all the blanks..

Then I was here, so am I now.
I play and listen to the song of our love;
But since we broke, the song has lost its soul.
And you left my heart wounded with a hole.

Then I was here, so am I now.
Once again the rain is falling down;
But since we broke, the rain has never been the same.
And I've  never heard anyone else spell so sweet 
the way you spell my name.

Then I was here, so am I now.
Walking on a sea beach admiring the setting sun.
But without your hand in mine, no view delights my eyes.
And no one else but you forgive me everytime I tell lies.


Come back, come with the glow of the light.
Come back, come with the rythm of the song.
Come back, come and revive the romance.
Come back, come and fill all the blanks.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Think it this way..

 One never needs to be a superman to twirl the earth round

but to put a finger on the ground.

A lesson to learn..

For a blind person the definition of day

Is nothing else but the period before he hits the hay.

One cannot hide forever..

How hard may the clouds try to be-fog the sun

Blue can be blackened by none.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Keep boozing..

Mama, I know it’s bad for health.

Mama, forgive me for the stealth.

 Mama, I see the pyramids of giza.

   Mama, I don’t even require a visa.


Cheers!! We start and by the end;

We get with ye a free friend.

Look the world around goes topsy-turvy.

And in the cradle of filth we make merry.


Yaw my space ship, yaw my time machine.

Yaw my blood in mars.

Sweet as neem yaw.. almighty gin.

Takes one high to the stars.


Booze-booze all night, all day.

Yaw my sun, yaw my hay.

Booze-booze, go early to sleep.

Ye I sow, ye I reap.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Seasonal Kissings..

On Valentine's eve, when nature bloom in her teens.
Lying on the carpet grass; coloured all green.
With my honeyed tongue, I teach you to sing.
Savor your dew-garnished lips.
Oh darlin, darlin.. Its the 'Kiss of the Spring'.

On your birthday that befalls in june.
Lying on the sea beach, on a hot afternoon.
With my parched lips, I drink up the sweat betwixt
Your breasts; polish your delightful cherries.
Oh darling, darlin.. Its the 'Midsummer's Kiss'.

After the eve's shower, in the night of sweet september.
Sky filled with stars, huge in number.
I linger over and dry your moist golf coarse
Lit up by the moon.
Oh darlin, darlin.. Its the 'Kiss of Monsoon'.

In the early-sherly jan, oh my.. my dear.
When it'll get spiky cool all over here.
With you standing tall, I bend low and burn 
My lips, having you moan.. 'ishh'.
Oh darlin, darlin.. Its the 'Winter's Kiss'.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Outrageous love..

Naked, she lounges by the side of a lake,

Lost in the woods that be-hears the buzzing bees.

The lushy fragrance of this tender bud,

So strong, so intense.. Adam goes asmodai-ish.


When the two lycanthropes get set for their sinful treat,

Even the rose-moon beclouds herself from

Watching the meat enter the meat.

Hush for a moment and then the burst of a volcano.

Fire on trees, fire all around but,

Fire was never a concern for the two on the ground.


Love, when at the peak of its lunation, glows so bright

That it befogs the presence of any kind.

It makes one lose all mind. It makes one deaf and blind.


Clothed in fire, embroidered with sores..

The pain 'out and in' surpasses the pain of their skin.


This night the two merge into one,

Fulfill their desire and complete the duty undone.

Break their curse of virginity, sunk in red;

Transform the place they lie into their deathbed.

Asmodai : also known as Asmodeus is the demon of lust and is therefore responsible for twisting people's sexual desires.

Lycanthropes : Werewolves, also known as lycanthropes are mythological or folkloric humans with the ability to shape shift into wolves or wolf-like creatures, either purposely, by being bitten or scratched by another werewolf, or after being placed under a curse.